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WordPress WooCommerce Package

The WordPress WooCommerce package has an efficient single node topology based on the iNET.elastic Application Platform certified LEMP (Linux + NGINX + MariaDB + PHP) template with the WooCommerce plugin and a set of built-in advanced features. The packaged structure makes this solution optimal for running small- and medium-size projects and development environments that do not require scalability or high availability.

WordPress WooCommerce scheme

WooCommerce is a free, open-source e-commerce plugin designed specifically for WordPress. It is a great platform for an online store of any size. WooCommerce has a number of features, such as various payment delivery and receipt methods, custom types of goods, and much more.

WordPress WooCommerce Specifics

The WordPress WooCommerce package offers the following features:

NGINX Web Server

NGINX is a fast and lightweight HTTP server that is widely used by developers across the world. It is highly customizable due to the modular structure, which simultaneously allows utilizing just the required functionality, ensuring efficient resource usage.

iNET.elastic Application Platform customizes NGINX to provide an optimized PHP application server fully compatible with the platform functionality.

MariaDB Database

The popular MariaDB database server is employed to store website content. The default values of configuration parameters were changed to ensure the highest possible performance. You may see these values in the sqldb config file.


Redis is a non-relational high-performance DBMS. Redis stores all the data in the RAM as key-value pairs. It is used as an object caching solution. This approach provides performance that is much higher than the performance of relational DBMSs.

Premium CDN

CDN Add-On is an optional feature that can be integrated into the WordPress application. It utilizes a highly interconnected global network with massive bandwidth capacity, advanced static assets caching, and high-speed modern HTTP/3 support, which ensures lightning-fast content loading for WordPress sites. iNET.elastic PaaS customers get premium traffic for the same price across all continents and countries with no surprising bills based on geographic locations.

Let’s Encrypt SSL

Let’s Encrypt SSL Add-On does the routine yet important system administration tasks of issuing trusted SSL certificates, integrating them into the application server, and enabling fully automated certificate renewal to stay secure over time.

WordPress Plugins

List of WordPress plugins used by default:

  • nginx fastcgi Cache Purge
  • W3 Total Cache
  • WooCommerce

WordPress WooCommerce Installation

1. Click the New Environment button at the top of the dashboard.

new environment button

2. Within the opened wizard, select the required WordPress topology (WooCommerce in our case).

WordPress WooCommerce wizard

Here, the following configuration options are available before the installation:

  • Advanced Features - tick the required options to include them
    • Install Let’s Encrypt SSL with Auto-Renewal - adds a Let’s Encrypt SSL add-on that allows you to issue and use a trusted, free certificate for a custom domain
    • Install Lightning-Fast Premium CDN - integrates Verizon Edgecast CDN into WordPress application
  • Topology - allows you to view the current package topology scheme by hovering over the hint icon
  • Environment - sets the environment name within the platform domain
  • Display Name - provides a custom alias for the environment
  • Region - selects the target region

Click Install to proceed.

3. In a few minutes, your WordPress instance will be created.

WordPress WooCommerce dashboard

Check your email for additional information (e.g. admin panel credentials):

WordPress WooCommerce email

That’s all! You can start managing your online store based on WordPress right away.

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