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How to Deploy Grails

Grails is an innovative, high-productivity framework that follows the principle of “Convention over Configuration”, making it quite popular. It provides a stand-alone development environment while maintaining a simplicity that allows the developer to focus on what really matters: creating high quality, easy to use applications that users love. Grails supplients Java application development quite easily because it is built on Spring and based on Groovy.

Get all the benefits of Grails with the PaaS!

Create the Application

1. Go to grails.org and download the lastest version of Grails.

download Grails

Grails package

2. Unzip the package you have just downloaded.

3. Add the environment variables (this step is optional):

  • GRAILS_HOME (…\grails-2.0.0) specifies to the path where you extracted the archive;
  • PATH (…\grails-2.0.0\bin) contains the path to the bin directory.

4. Create your app using the command line.

With environment variables (C:\grails on Windows, ~/grails on Linux):

...\grails-1.3.7 grails create-app {app_name}

Without environment variables:

...\grails-1.3.7\bin\grails create-app {app_name}
Note: Application will be created in the C:\grails-1.3.7\bin\5 directory.

5. Create .war archive with just one command:

With environment variables (C:\grails on Windows, ~/grails on Linux):

...\grails-1.3.7\{app_name} grails war {app_name}.war

Without environment variables (C:\grails on Windows, ~/grails on Linux):

...\grails-1.3.7\bin\grails war {app_name}.war

WAR archive will be saved at C:\grails-1.3.7\bin{app_name}\.

Create the Environment

1. Log into the platform dashboard.

2. Create a new environment.

create environment

3. In the Environment topology dialog pick your application server (e.g. Tomcat) and type your environment name, for example, grails, then click on Create button.

environment wizard

It will take just a minute for your environment to be created.

environment for Grails created

Upload the Java Package

1. Upload your WAR file to the Deployment manager.

upload Grails

2. Once the package uploaded to the platform, deploy it to your environment.

deploy Grails

That’s it. Launch your application and enjoy!


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