loading...empty;done;/elastic-vps-vzlinux/:-uriElastic VzLinux VPS | iNET.elastic Dev Docs

Elastic VzLinux VPS

VzLinux VPS logo

VzLinux is a free and open-source base operating system for OpenVz that is used as a guest operating system for containers and virtual machines. It has accumulated 20-years of experience in the field to provide consistent releases ahead of CentOS.​ VzLinux is optimized for running in high dense system container and virtual environments.​

The platform delivers VzLinux with all the benefits of Elastic VPS (security guarantees, cost efficiency, root permissions, etc.).

VzLinux VPS Installation

1. Click the New Environment button at the top of the dashboard.

new environment button

2. Within the opened wizard, select the required OS for your Elastic VPS server (VzLinux in our case).

VzLinux VPS wizard

Tip: The VzLinux template is based on the official virtuozzo/vzlinux8:8.5.0-822 Docker image.

Here, the following configuration options are available before the installation:

  • Vertical Scaling per Node - configure the upper and lower resource limits for automatic vertical scaling
  • Horizontal Scaling - set the required number of same-type nodes
  • Disk Limit - allocate required disk space quantity
  • Sequential restart delay - set a delay between restart operation on different nodes (required to ensure availability of at least one server when restarting scaled VPS)
  • Access via SLB - allow or deny access to your VPS via the platform’s Shared Load Balancer
  • Public IP - add public IP (IPv4 or IPv6) for external access
  • Region - select the target region
  • Environment Name - set the environment name within the platform domain

Click Create to proceed.

3. In a few minutes, your VPS instance will be created.

VzLinux VPS dashboard

That’s all! You can start managing your VPS server right away with a built-in Web SSH client or check the after-creation email for additional access information.

What’s next?