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How to Deploy Cyclos 4

You can have a Cyclos instance up and running within minutes using one-click install option for both free and PRO Cyclos 4 versions correspondingly:

Note: For using PRO version (widget below) you are required to buy a valid Cyclos license, while a free license can be obtained after registration at license.cyclos.org.

The process is simple - just click Get it hosted now, type your email and install Cyclos in a minute skipping the steps of manual installation.

Find more details about Application Packaging at our Solutions page.

Alternatively, follow the instructions below on manual deployment.

Create an Environment

1. Log into the platform dashboard.

2. Click the Create environment button.

3. In the Environment topology window, select Tomcat 7 as your application server.

Select PostgreSQL 9 as the database you want to use. Note, that you need to use a version of PostgreSQL higher than 9.3.

Next, enter your environment name, for example, cyclos, and click Create.

It will take just a minute for your environment to be created.

Upload Cyclos Package

1. To download the Cyclos package, navigate to the Cyclos web site and sign up for an account, if you haven’t already done this.

2. Confirm your account creation via the email received.

Sign in with your credentials and download the installation package.

Note, that here you can also use one-click install button in order to get Cyclos automatically installed.

3. Extract the files from .zip package you have just downloaded.

4. Create a .WAR file from web folder content (cyclos-4.0.1/web/).

Simply place the content of the web folder to another zip archive file, for example cyclos_4.zip, and rename it to cyclos_4.war or any name with the .war extension.

5. Upload your Cyclos war package to the Deployment manager.

6. Once the package is in the platform, deploy it to the environment you have just created.

Database Configuration

1. Click Open in browser button next to PostgreSQL database to open phpPgAdmin panel.

2. Log in with the credentials you’ve received via email, when the environment was created.

3. Create a new PostgreSQL database.

4. In the opened window, enter the DB name (e.g. cyclos4), choose template0 and UTF8 encoding from the drop-down lists. Click Create.

5. Enter the created database by clicking on its name and switch to the SQL tab in order to execute the simple SQL code below, that will create the required extensions.

create extension cube;  
create extension earthdistance;  
create extension postgis;
Note: You should obligatory uncheck the Paginate results property before processing.

6. Press the Execute button.

Cyclos Configuration

1. Switch back to the platform dashboard and click Config button for Tomcat.

2. Navigate to webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes folder and create cyclos.properties file.

3. Copy the content of cyclos-release.properties file in class folder and paste it to the newly created cyclos.properties file.

4. In the opened cyclos.properties file, specify your PostgreSQL:

  • host together with the name of database created while DB configuration:
  • database credentials you’ve received via email

5. Save the applied changes and Restart Tomcat.

Congratulations! You now have your Cyclos application up and running.

Just enter the credentials to your Cyclos account, complete the steps of installation and proceed to work!

What’s next?